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Sometimes in order to move forward, you need to visit the past. For us, that means we need to take another look at the boy’s Superhero. 


But don’t worry, this isn’t a sequel. In fact, we’re not even looking at the superhero. Our focus is on the the plot twist that’s found in all great superhero stories. The force that stops the hero in his tracks, renders him helpless, and puts him in survival mode. Yes, we’re talking about kryptonite.


The boy had his kryptonite. In fact, it was a special kind. It wasn’t an outward force to to battle - it was something inside. And it was hidden, always present, patiently waiting for the right moment to strike. And when it did, the boy lost focus and suffered the same fate as Superman - he was helpless.


We can speculate on where it came from or how it started, but at this point, we’ll what’s the point. Seth helped him define and recognize it, and that’s good enough for now. 


Well, what is the kryptonite?


Have you ever had an awkward moment in a conversation or maybe said the wrong thing in a group of people? Yeah, that’s not it. Try having a wonderful conversation and then analyzing it over and over because you think you might have said the wrong thing. That’s more like it. 


Not being able to fail in front of others sounds right. So does not making yourself vulnerable to others. And can you really trust that someone is being honest with you? I mean, what if you’re wrong. You can’t be wrong, especially about people. 


That’s what we’re talking about. The paralyzing effect of shame. It stops the boy in his track in real time as he feels it. And it can re-emerge days, months, and years later as thoughts and memories work their way back into his consciousness. 




But as he approached double nickel status, the boy has come to recognize it. Where shame once owned him, it now has to share space in his brain with the other positive influences in his life. And instead of being something to run from, maybe it can become something to help guide him. 


But that’s a story for another day.

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